Your Teeth For A Lifetime Foundation Your Teeth For A Lifetime Foundation

teeth and roseYTFL News



Dr. William K. Hettenhausen, Executive Director

YTFL Mailing Address Change:

Old Address:
YTFL Foundation P.O. Box 2631, Thunder Bay ON P7B 5G2.
New Address:
YTFL Foundation, P.O. Box 10215, Thunder Bay ON P7B 6T7.

Radiation Caries:

Special thanks to Dr. Peter DeGiacomo and Dr. Bruce Pynn for their help in meeting the dental needs of an elderly patient with advanced radiation caries. We were able to get some excellent digital pictures of the surgery. This case provides a lesson in the destructive and painful nature of radiation caries, which if anticipated or detected early is preventable. (Digital *.jpg photos of the oral surgery are available by e-mail upon request

Fear of Flossing Video:

Shaw Cable TV accepted our latest 15 minute dental health promotion video and broadcast it 8 times in prime time during February and March. Mr. Jim Farrell is a freelance writer, videographer and grateful patient that made this video for the 14% of the public that are still not using dental services preventively yet. The video teaches that it is far better to learn about prevention through regular dental checkups and good oral hygiene, than it is to learn about the high cost of neglect by waiting until it hurts. Congratulations Jim on a job well done!

Forum on Interdisciplilary Gerontology (FIG):

Dr. Hettenhausen was invited to give a presentation at Lakehead University's Health Sciences North on February 16th. The session entitled, "How to die young at a very old age", chronicled the benefits of regular dental care and nutrition on the aging process with examples of positive aging drawn from Hettenhausen's private practice and continuing education lectures.

Manitoba Dental Hygienists' Assn. Hosts YTFL Lecture Series:

The University of Manitoba and the Manitoba Dental Hygienists' Association full day YTFL Presentation on "Dental Health, Wellness and Nutrition" was held on Saturday, February 24, 2001 in the Basic Medical Sciences Building at the University of Manitoba, Bannatyne Campus. 23 hygienists, 3 students and two dentists were in attendance and the presentation was very well received.

Special thanks to Kathy Mastrobuono, Carol-Ann Yakiwchuk RDH, and Salme Lavigne RDH MS for seeing that the program was such a success and for their kind hospitality.

4TH Annual First Nations DHMonth Colouring Contest:

We have already received requests for colouring pages from 29 First Nation Communities involving more than 1,398 children. It looks like it is going to be an even bigger success this year! The contest is designed to promote better dental health and nutrition awareness in Northern Ontario First Nation communities and to get the message of Kiminoya Geepidun, Gichicandun Showegwenin (Healthy Teeth, Happy Smile) out to children and their parents.

YTFL Abstract Accepted for Presentation:

Dr. Bruce Pynn brought back a "Call for Abstracts" from the Canadian Dental Public Health Association and the submission of our Healthy Teeth, Happy Smile First Nations Elementary School Dental Health Month Colouring Contest was one of 8 abstracts accepted for presentation Friday, April 20th at the Univ. of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry.

Blueberry Dental Health Adventure:

Three sessions were held at Shkoday Abinojiiwik Obimiwedoon (Thunder Bay Aboriginal Head Start). 46 children heard the story of Young Beaver, Clever Racoon and the secret of how eating blueberries can lead to better dental health. Then they washed their hands, ate the blueberries like Clever Racoon, and brushed all the blue plaque bugs away. The children showed off their clean teeth to Dr. Hettenhausen and children needing checkups were referred into the dental community.

A special big meegwitch (thank you) to Walter Prince, Health Canada FNIHB, and to the TBAHS teachers and parents for making this program development possible.

YTFL Dental/Medical Health Evaluation Systems Research:

Dr. Hettenhausen has been participating in medical head and neck clinic rounds with Dr. Anthes and Dr. Turner at the NWO Regional Cancer Centre. It provides an opportunity to screen and educate new patients to prevent unresolved dental health issues from becoming major problems during cancer therapy. Special Thanks to Dr. Dhaliwal CEO and Pat Sevean Clinical Research Co-ordinator for their continuing support of this project.

YTFL.ON.CA Website Development:

Sir Winston Churchill CVI's OAC Website Planning Group presented a general appraisal of the current YTFL First Nations Healthy Teeth, Happy Smile website. They also made suggestions for improvements and recommended some helpful changes to the basic homepage layout and design. Special thanks to Dylan Howe OAC Captain, his team and to J.K. Koivisto and Earline Bopp for their support of our YTFL website development.

Take Care and Be Care-less!

Yours in Healthy Smiles,

William K. Hettenhausen DDS, Y.T.F.L. Executive Director




William K Hettenhausen DDS, Executive Director
P.O. Box 2631,
Thunder Bay, Ontario, CANADA.
P7B 5G2

The Foundation was established on January 1, 1978, granted its Letters Patent and non-profit charitable organization status in 1980, and received official recognition by the Ontario Dental Association in 1982.

The purpose of the foundation is to help communicate positive health values to both the public and the health professions. It is intended to form the nucleus of a preventive dentistry information and resource facility to further increase the availability of health generative information, through research, instruction and communication.

If you are interested in becoming involved in the "Secrets of a Healty Smile," or becoming involved in our next Y.T.F.L. project, please E-mail us at:

The following are some examples of our activities:

  • For six years YTFL operated an experimental Dental Health Education Centre in Selkirk High-school. The grade nine and eleven students were screened and a prevention based secondary school dental health education program was developed.
  • A computer assisted Dental Health Education Program was proposed, and prototype curriculum design specifications were drawn up. A YTFL Interactive Educational Technology (I.E.T.) Project received partial funding from the Health Promotion Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Health. Presentations have been made at Lakehead University's Faculty of Education, Physical Education and Athletics, and to more than 200 Nursing and Physical Education students in Biology.
  • A YTFL Continuing Education Program has been developed for secondary school teacher's professional development and Healthy Food Banquets have been held in two local high schools.
  • A YTFL Orthodontic Dental Health Education Program was developed to test the effectiveness of various oral hygiene aids (Floss/Threaders/Brushes vs. Water Irrigators) using 12 problem cases referred by two local orthodontists.
  • The YTFL High Tech Health Adventure Cable Television Video Series "The Secrets of a Healthy Smile" was the "Winner of the 1986 CCTA Award for Excellence in Programming - Educational" for all of Canada. (Chosen from 240 entries) Currently, work is continuing on the "Health Quest" adventure video, entitled, "The Jewel and the Giant" which features a futuristic portable interactive biospace health education classroom featuring an oral health awareness theme.
  • A "Healthy Smiles For Seniors" Gerontology Project developed in conjunction with the Thunder Bay Dental Association to service the needs of seniors in our community continues to provide YTFL gerontology presentations for nursing staff and residents of local senior citizen's homes. (Dawson Court, Grandview Lodge, Cumberland Hall, Central Park Lodge, St. Joseph's Heritage, Hogarth-Westmount and St.Joseph's Hospital Medical Day Care).
  • 170 YTFL "Secrets of a Healthy Smile" slide presentations have been given to community groups and service organizations. (This includes free public presentations at schools, libraries, colleges, universities, hospitals, and senior citizen homes.)
  • 131 "Generating Health in the Oral Environment" lectures have been given to health professionals and their support organizations (ie. physicians, nurses, pharmacists, hospital and collective living centre staffs, and university undergraduate programs.)
  • 51 YTFL slide and lecture presentations by Dr. Hettenhausen on primary prevention and nutrition have been given to Dental Hygiene, Dental Assisting and Dental Receptionist students at Confederation College of Applied Arts & Technology since 1978.
  • 35 "Your Teeth For a Lifetime" slide and lecture programs to dentists and auxiliaries by Dr. Hettenhausen have been sponsored by invitation of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (R.C.D.S.O.) to component societies across Ontario (Approved for Mandatory Continuing Education MCDE points).
  • 58,000 YTFL Oral Health Education Booklets have already been distributed through dental offices, district health units, and public service organizations across Canada and the U.S.A. (including 28 other countries courtesy of the Federation Dentaire International (FDI).
  • 461 "PLAK-LITE" disclosing systems distributed by YTFL are seeing active use in dental practices and 26 health units across the province. 6 Provincial Governments have also ordered YTFL Preventive materials, including PLAK-LITE Systems, videos and preventive support materials for dental public health school programmes.
  • 755 YTFL members including life members, patrons, professional associates, supporting groups and subscribers are currently on our Foundation's mailing list and help us spread the message of "Better Health Through Preventive Dentistry".
  • In 1986, a special YTFL presentation was given to the staff at Manifest Communications to assist them in the development of the Canadian Dental Association's Dental Awareness Program. The Five Point Prevention Plan was officially adopted by the CDA in 1988.
  • A Dental Health Awareness video entitled, " Disclosing For Dental Health & The 5 Point Prevention Plan" has been written, and produced by YTFL for the Canadian Dental Association to make the "Great Canadian Plaque Test" an integral part of Dental Health Month.
  • "Use of a Database in Clinical Dentistry" was published in the 1989 ODA Journal and a working software prototype of a YTFL Oral Health Evaluation System (OHES) placed 3rd out of 31 table clinic entries at the 125th Annual ODA Convention in Toronto. Currently, four enthusiastic Lakehead University Faculty of Business 4th year students in the Decision Systems Support (DSS) Group are adapting the software to operate in Microsoft Windows and allow the program to be used in any dental office with a DOS personal computer.
  • A YTFL gerontology presentation, "What a Difference a Little Care Makes" by Dr. Hettenhausen is made available for the continuing education of nurses and institutional gerontological care providers through the Confederation College of Applied Arts & Technology.
  • YTFL has worked with McKellar General Hospital Dental Staff to develop the Patient Mouthcare Standards recently passed by the Medical Advisory and Nursing Practice Councils. 100 adult YTFL Dental Health Kits have been donated to the hospital for patients in need.
  • YTFL Healthy Native Lifestyle Program Dental Health Awareness presentation by Dr. Hettenhausen entitled, "The Secrets of a Healthy Smile" has been provided for the staff and support personal of Wequedong Lodge. Culturally appropriate preventive materials including a colouring book, board game and role-model poster was developed with the help of YTFL. Presentations have also been given to Native Community Health Representative (C.H.R.) students from 22 First Nation communities across Northwestern Ontario.
  • The Thunder Bay Healthy Lifestyle Coalition sponsored a YTFL presentation by Dr. Hettenhausen to native youth and elders at the Nishinabe-Aski First Nation "Wekongay"(gathering).
  • The Thunder Bay Multi-cultural Association sponsors YTFL slide and lecture presentations to English Second Language (ESL) program classes to Thunder Bay's immigrants. We also provide toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste samplers and information brochures.

CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION REG. 0579250-59-02 BN 10822 8008RT



teeth and rose.Hot Links

Canadian Dental Association -
Ontario Dental Association
British Dental Association
American Dental Association -
World Dental Federation
Dental Bytes Webzine -
The Tooth Fairy -
The Professor -



teeth and rose F A Q

Under Construction
Please submit any questions, ideas or comments to



For a Patient Information/Education Wordprocessor Library For Clinical Chairside Use
(In Random Order)

  1. Bottle Mouth Syndrome
  2. Wisdom Teeth
  3. Pit & Fissure Sealants
  4. Gum Disease
  5. A Child's First Visit
  6. Baby Teeth - fill or extract?
  7. Dentures - a last resort?
  8. Space Maintainers
  9. What to do when a tooth is knocked out?
  10. Tooth Colouring - whiteners?
  11. What causes teeth to be sensitive to cold?
  12. Dental Care for Seniors
  13. Dental Specialists
  14. Your Mouth - window to your health (oral symptoms)?
  15. Will my child's teeth be straight?
  16. Tooth Brushes
  17. Pregnancy and Dentistry
  18. Why Dental X-rays?
  19. Tetracycline Stains - Treatment
  20. Mercury in Silver Fillings
  21. Bonding & Cosmetics
  22. Smoking and Your Oral Health
  23. Dental Phobias
  24. What can be done for abscessed teeth?
  25. Soft teeth or poor oral hygiene and nutrition?
  26. Infant Dental Care
  27. Fillings - (composites - new alloys - pins etc.)
  28. Root Canal - What does it mean when teeth go black?
  29. Adult Orthodontics?
  30. Your Nutrition and Your Teeth
  31. Your Child's Bite
  32. Flossing
  33. A Good Checkup Up?
  34. Toothpastes
  35. Why are teeth crowded?
  36. What causes a toothache?
  37. When do the adult teeth come in?
  38. Implants
  39. Dentistry & Sports (mouthguards)
  40. Prevention & Early Diagnosis

Note: Each topic is limited to 1/2 to 2/3 page (200 to 300 words) with space for a simple line diagram for illustration purposes.
